Slight Redesign

Slight redesign on the main page. Let me know if it looks OK in your browser.

I am about to go meet Hannah, Kate, and Kate for lunch at Mia Madonna.

Jocelyn is cooking dinner tomorrow and we are trying to come up with some MLK-themed recipes. Suggestions? Complaints?

Also, are there places that have long since closed in Athens that you would really want a t-shirt from? What are these places?

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4 Responses to Slight Redesign

  1. Jocelyn says:

    Maybe we should take this Athens walking tour and then jot down ideas.

    Tour is here:

  2. Amy says:

    Well, duh – Martin Luther King’s Cake. Whoever finds the tiny plastic civil rights leader in their piece has to cook dinner next year.

  3. chip woods says:

    Amy’s idea sounds better than Chicken ala Martin Luther King which is all I have so far.

    That tour looks like a lot of fun. When are we doing it?

  4. Bon says:

    Looks gorgeous in Camino on the Mac. Nice job.

    I agree with Amy’s idea for the mini-civil rights leader in the cake. I think that sounds like fun.

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