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I am about to go meet Hannah, Kate, and Kate for lunch at Mia Madonna.
Jocelyn is cooking dinner tomorrow and we are trying to come up with some MLK-themed recipes. Suggestions? Complaints?
Also, are there places that have long since closed in Athens that you would really want a t-shirt from? What are these places?
Maybe we should take this Athens walking tour and then jot down ideas.
Tour is here:
Well, duh – Martin Luther King’s Cake. Whoever finds the tiny plastic civil rights leader in their piece has to cook dinner next year.
Amy’s idea sounds better than Chicken ala Martin Luther King which is all I have so far.
That tour looks like a lot of fun. When are we doing it?
Looks gorgeous in Camino on the Mac. Nice job.
I agree with Amy’s idea for the mini-civil rights leader in the cake. I think that sounds like fun.