So, I did the macro thing (if you want to use them, I’ll tell you how to install), I have done the RSS thing, and now I want to do the future post thing.
I am writing this at 8:30 but I want it to publish at 8:45 9:35. Let’s see what happens.
Cool. That seemed to work. Will someone else on the spynotebook test it out and see if it works for them? At the bottom of the entry page, there is post status. Default should be set to Publish. You can change this to future and then change the time to when you want the post to be published. Every 15 minutes, a cron job runs which checks for future posts so it won’t always show up at exactly the right time but pretty darn close.
Uses? Not much for me really. But, it’s fun.
Maybe I should stop playing with Movable Type now.
Test done.
Check my blog at 7:44am PST to see if it worked. I created the post at 7:26am using the FUTURE post thingy.