My I Don't Have To Run Day

I feel like I have been productive today although I haven’t done much to feel that way.

I went for a walk today and it was REALLY cold. Yes, I know that some of you are reading this from colder places but it has been 70 here in the past week so today is really cold for Athens.

The Sunday brunch plan is working out nicely. Today I had lunch at the Grit with :hannah:, :jenny:, and :carrieoke:. I think that :carrieoke: and I nerded out a bit too much for the blondes with talk of MT-Blacklist and which versions of MT we were running. But hey, when I have the chance to geek out, I’m going to take it.

After lunch, I went to my grandparents house for a while and heard about my sister’s wedding dress, some wine with a UGA label they sell at the Krogers, and how I might go about fixing my lamp post.

:jenny: called me as I was leaving there and offered to sew up where my sweater is coming apart but I felt like coming home and reading my books and possibly taking a nap.

Two day weekends are the devil.

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4 Responses to My I Don't Have To Run Day

  1. hannah says:

    RE: two-day weekends being the devil. WORD.

    And it was fun to watch the geekout-fest. As long as I have good food & coffee, this blonde is just fine…

  2. jenny says:

    The other blonde was okay with the geek fest…I’m used to things being over my head 😉

  3. carrieoke says:

    Geeking out over Grit omelets and french toast is FUN TIMES. Next time, let’s talk about php and our databases….har.

    so glad to finally meet ya! and thanks for the DVD link!

  4. Beau says:

    Sub-zero wind chill up our way. The “outside temp” display in my car read 9 degrees on the way in to day care this morning. It’s brutal.

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