OK. I’m not Catholic but I kind of want to do the whole Lent thing. I mean, I’m not a paganistic satanist but I love Harry Potter just as much as the next guy. *
So, :shawn: and :jenny: and I came up with this list during lunch today. I will be giving up:
Everything generally unhealthy which may include me giving up:
– anything fried
– sweets
– unhealthy fast food (i may have to have the occasional baja burritto)
– bad thoughts (jenny’s suggestion)
– bitterness (again jenny)
– grumpy chip (damn, girl)
– not getting married (oh shawn you clever devil)
Obviously, I am setting myself up for failure.
* Total lie. Never read the Harry Potter even though :amym: insisted I borrow a copy.
What the hell else is left in life? Are you suppose to sustain yourself on crackrock and a bad attitude during lent. Ha. I scoff at your givey uppy stuff!
What the hell else is left in life? Are you suppose to sustain yourself on crackrock and a bad attitude during lent? Ha. I scoff at your givey uppy stuff!
Um, Chip?
Have all of your suggestion-giving friends given up GAMBLING for Lent? I ask because I think the only reason they’ve suggested these things is so they can take bets on how many hours pass before you do each thing you’ve given up.
Although I think giving up not getting married is a great idea!
Good luck! I have up “complaining” in 1999 after the Savannah trip with SMallet, who had given up “complaining” in 1998 (which was really obvious during that year’s 6th grade trip). I thought it was an awesome idea. Worked well for me in ’99. So, I definitely support those more “bitter barn” related plans.
“Insisted”? Might I suggest you give up hyperbole this Lenten season?