I’m not sure how much whittling will get done (since I don’t even have any whittling supplies) but the first meeting of the Athens Coalition of the Whittling will meet tomorrow morning.
You know those old guys who used to eat at Strickland’s every day and those dudes who are at Zim’s every morning? Don’t you want to be a part of the beginnings of something which in a few month’s time will be an old Athens tradition?
That’s what I thought. So, sign up at the above link and we’ll see ya tomorrow.
Come ready to discuss the weather, your rumatiz actin’ up, and the young whippersnappers and their loud rock and roll music.
Don’t be noncommittal, it’s cool to whittle!*
* first order of business is new catchphrase.
So, how’d the whittlin’ meeting go? I was actually thinking about showing up, right, but I left my cell phone at work yesterday afternoon. This means that I couldn’t find the number of the co-worker who usually gives me a ride to work and tell him about the meeting, since his number is otherwise unlisted and exists only in my phone. Stupid technology…