So, last night sucked. My house looks like I was attacked because at one point, I pulled the shower curtain down when I was sick. I haven’t quite gotten the energy to put it back up yet but I did drink gatorade at Jocelyn’s suggestion and I ate a banana and some tapioca pudding and I don’t feel THAT bad.

I might go lay back down on the couch now. Thank god for TV and Netflix.

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3 Responses to OK

  1. BrYan says:

    When I get sick I drink gallons of Gatorade because I get dehydrated very easily. I’ve gotten so that I can’t drink it when I’m healthy because of it’s associations with illness.

    Also, I love to toss back really tart ginger beer when I’m not feeling well.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Stephanie H. says:

    Poor baby. Let me know if you feel like anything special to eat and I’ll be happy to make it/bring it to you…

  3. Stephanie H. says:

    Poor baby. Let me know if you feel like anything special to eat and I’ll be happy to make it/bring it to you…

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