So, Star Trek and Star Wars are effectively over for the time being. There is talk of a new Star Wars TV show coming up at some point but until we know more, I’m going to pretend it won’t be made. As far as I know, there is no new Trek on the way but I am sure within a few years we will have at least a movie, if not a new series. Hopefully, this will take place in the TNG/DS9/VOY time frame instead of the Enterprise one. But, we all know that Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica are the ones to watch these days anyway.
So, I have seen “Revenge of the Sith” twice and I hopefully will not be going again. I have never watched “Phantom Menace” or “Attack of the Clones” on DVD so there is a good chance I will never have to see any of them again. It’s not that I didn’t like it, there was plenty of cool stuff in there and as Star Wars movies go, it’s in the Top 4 (not counting “Ewok Adventure” or the Christmas special, of course).
Why did I see it twice? I ended up making plans with two sets of people and I was assuming (quite correctly) that I would totally fall asleep at the Midnight.
Enough geek talk for now.
I was very impressed with your awakeness (is this a word?) last night after only 3 or so hours of sleep. In case anyone’s wondering you’re a great date. You should put that on your resume’.