
Cooked dinner for the peeps last night. Actually got a bit on tape for my new chaotic reality show coming soon to a browser near you. I made Bisquick Cheese Burger Pie and what was intended to be strawberry ice cream. We will call it frozen stawberries and chilled cream. Today, it seems a lot more like actual ice cream. The pie was ground turkey, onions, cheese, bisquick, and a couple of eggs. Not the healthiest of dinners but hey, at least I didn’t get Hamil to make it for me. I promise healthier next time. The Tera brought potatoes which were not anywhere near mashed so Jocelyn loved them.

Tonight, I am going downtown with work peeps but Jocelyn is going to fill in for me at Tuesday Night Dinner which will make the grandparents happy in the extreme. She is going to interview my grandad about life at UGA in the 1960s for a Maymester class.

Also, I’ll tell you that I am actually worse off for clicking But, :Jenny: will lurve teh kittenwar.

I’m tired. I need to sleep more.

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6 Responses to Kitten

  1. sm00bs says:

    Kitten War is far too cute!

    *gazing into crystal ball*

    I see Bon clicking on several adorable photos in the future…

  2. courtney says:

    Kitten war cheered me up. Even the ugly ones are adorable. Thanks!

  3. Amy says:

    Damn you and your adorable kittens! Well, I’m not getting any work done this week.

  4. Jenny says:

    Oh my god! This is the most cutest wooest thing in the whole wide world. I just want to squeeze all the little kittens and love them and hold them and call them my own.

  5. caitlin says:

    Hey mr. woods, its caitlin, i have a xanga, if you ever want to go to it. My name is Crazycaity0419!!!!! See ya later, even though this is the last links class

  6. Jocelyn says:

    I can’t help, but always pick the orange cat. What is a xanga?

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