Salary Spy

So, if you are ever curious about how much money your state employed friends and fam make (or did in ’04, anyway), you can find out:

DOAA Salary & Travel Supplement

Not that I would do that or anything.

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2 Responses to Salary Spy

  1. hannah says:

    It’s funny–I was bugging my boss to show me that site last week. I was curious about how much other people in my job title were making at UGA, especially when I heard that a friend at another university had just negotiated a 25% pay raise. I’m still trying to figure out how she did it…

    It was kind of crazy to see how much I spent on travel last year, although not completely surprising given that I had a trip to Spain and that most conferences want anywhere from $200 to $500 just to register.

  2. Jocelyn says:

    Should it suprise me that I can’t get this site to come up while I’m in a UGA computer lab?

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