Dinner w/ Brad, Jocelyn, Susan @ Rusan’s.
Saw movie w/ Susan.
Sticking w/ the current theme in my life, we saw “Bewitched”.
Argued about movie in car.
Saw Mark @ Vision Video.
Came home and we scanned baby pictures of Susan’s son, Michael.
She’s left. I’m tired. That is all.
1999 – Now
Search Me
Me elsewhere
Beeswax, None of Your
How is the Bewitched? Good or lame?
i thought it was funny. Nicole plays a very good Isabelle playing Samantha. Susan’s criticism was that it was too filled with references to Bewitched instead of actually having a dramatic structure of a Bewitched episode. She liked it though.
Is there a nosey neighbor? What about a Mr. Tate or Endora or Dr. Bombay? I know it is about remaking the show, but do they have parallel characters in the real lives of the people making the show? Am I making sense? I have mommy brain….
I never get to go see movies any more…stupid baby…