2/7th of the way there.

I just finished reading the second harry potter book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which I saw in the theater three years ago. I am only enjoying them somewhat right now because I know what happens in the first three. Once I get through the next one, I might actually be surprised by something. I don’t dislike them so don’t all you Potter fans (what do you call yourselves?) start yelling at me, I just already know the basic outline of the story. Spoilers suck.

In other news, Matt is glib according to Tom about psychiatry and drugs. Tom Cruise knows things. Never forget that.


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4 Responses to 2/7th of the way there.

  1. Jocelyn says:

    How far are you now?

  2. chip says:

    halfway through the third year at hogwart’s.

  3. courtney says:

    Yeah, a lot of the excitement of the books is turning the page to see what happens next.

    Tom Cruise is superlost. And now he seems so derailed it is actually affecting his career. It seemed to me in the past a lot of his success was knowing the right thing to say (or more often, not say). He seems to have blown a fuse.

  4. Amy says:

    There’s actually quite a bit in book 3 that got left out of the movie, so maybe you’ll still get a few surprises. Anyway, the GASP! factor in both 4 & 5 will make up for the others.

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