
I forgot my cell phone when I left home this morning. So, if you were gonna call to propose marriage or anything like that, you should just send email instead.

I’ve been out of the walking in the morning thing for a while but started again this morning (because, after all, today is the first day of the rest of my life to be all clicheariffic)and what is the deal with it being hot before 6:00 AM? That’s just crazy.

And then I get to work and it is 85 degrees in my office so I go into the basement to reset the AC before everyone gets here and I walk straight into a huge spiderweb and now I fear that I have spiders all over me.

The moral of this story? I should have stayed home and watched my backlog of “Eastenders” episodes today.

Note to the Baby Genius: Good luck or Break a leg or whatever it is people say before one takes the bar. And if you see this, what the hell are you doing reading the blogs when the bar is this week?

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2 Responses to Cell-less

  1. stephanie says:

    Wow–you actually made me laugh. Impressive. I know I shouldn’t be reading blogs, but how much law can a person really read, anyway?
    Thank you–I’m starting to feel a bit nauseous…

  2. Bon says:

    I walked into a spider web on Saturday at 5am (going to the car to go to the airport to go to the Missouri). Does that mean that *I* called you to propose while your cell was home alone? Hm.

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