Kate and I have had a very Athenian day. We had brunch at the Grit and then walked downtown to buy comics at Bizarro, magazines at Barnett’s, and wandered around Agora looking at stuff that other people were wise enough to get rid of and we are dumb enough to want. They are having a flea market next Saturday and I really think I might want to sell some stuff. Or, at the very least, buy some stuff. I was telling Robert B. at Wuxtry today that it may be time to start selling some comics. I think my house has reached critical mass. I don’t know where I will put more and I am certainly still buying them.
Kate and I hid from the humidity this afternoon in my lovely air conditioned home while she burned CDs and I watched “Big Brother” and tried to get some much needed sleep.
Kids back tomorrow! I know you are all excited.
I am sooooooo mad at CBS in LA. They moved the BB6 from Channel 2 to Channel 9 (both CBS-owned, but only one is truly CBS) on Saturday night and my Season Pass didn’t follow it.
Of course, I could be mad at my TiVo, but I’d rather be mad at an entire network than my sweet little machine that saves shows for me.
I’m so bummed. I wanted to see Beau getting drunk and showing off his pee pee. Or did he not do that on the TV version, only on the web-reports?
Grr. I really wanted to see more of that Pressure Cooker Challenge. I love endurance games. Grr.