Catch Up

It’s 6:20 AM on Friday morning and I am incredibly happy that it is Friday. My Wednesday night going out was a lot of fun but I have no business going out on a school night. Then, I ended up talking on the phone so I got about 2 hours of sleep. So, yesterday kind of sucked at first but got better.

I went to the Adams Optics and bought myself some new glasses and contacts Then after work I had errands to run. I went to the Lariscy’s to help get their internet working then I took stuff from my grandparent’s house up to the hospital. They are still trying to find a nursing home for my Grandmother. She needs one for physical reasons, not mental, so it is important that it is a nice one. My grandad gave me money to take Jocelyn and Tera out to dinner.

Tera picked RuSan’s so we got a bunch of food there. T&J hate one of the waiters so when we walked in Jocelyn pointed out a blonde guy and asked to be in his section. He was great but very suspicious why the two cute girls wanted to be in his section. It was only his third day but he was great and couldn’t figure out how to add the sake to our order so T&J drank for free.

We saw a huge table of people that we all knew from different ways. I knew one from grad school, and I knew amy m., and one from work/karaoke party at jocelyn’s last year, and I think one or two more. Athens is the size of a small pea.

Kristin’s dad’s flight was delayed so we didn’t hang out. Kate came over a while and we sketched out some tentative weekend shopping plans.

There is a garage sale in Nicholson that claims to have comics and cheap furniture. It’s probably a lot of crap I already have but you never know. We are going about 8 or so on Saturday morning if anyone wants to go with us. There is an auction maybe somewhere, too. Just send me an email or leave a comment. The more the merrier until my car is full.

Speaking of comments, there have been some amusing ones left on my blog here and here.

Tonight, I am probably eating dinner with Kristin and her Dr. Dentist Dad at the Grit and possibly going to Athens 441 at the Morton. We may just go hang out downtown. Or I might just watch Battlestar Galactica. Who knows???

I love you all equally and differently.

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