Seattle Betting Pool

In case anyone was betting on how long I could hold out before buying a ticket to go see Tessa in Seattle, the answer is today for a trip on September 23. Jenny talked me into going ahead and just buying the ticket instead of finding reasons not to. Thanks, Jenny! If things with Tess don’t work out, you are my “Plan B”. Don’t tell Shawn. Drat, he reads this. I was just kidding, man! Sort of. Not really.

So, yeah, the land of KEXP and the Science Fiction Museum awaits.

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5 Responses to Seattle Betting Pool

  1. Bon says:

    Ooooooooh! Young love is so sweet. Yippee!

    Lemmeknow if you change planes at LAX and I’ll be sure to come hug your neck or take you to eat at that cool restaurant in the former air traffic control tower thingy.

  2. jenny says:

    Plan B baby!

  3. Tessa says:

    No plan B. Seattle = good times

  4. chip woods says:

    I knew that threatening another woman would bring Tess out of the lurky shadows and make her comment. I am positive that Seattle will = good times.

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