Tessa, Eleanor (sister), and Sean (nephew) came into town on Friday. I took half a vacation day on Friday and met them downtown at the Blue Bird. That afternoon, I hung out with Tessa and we met Kate for dinner at the Grit. Two kids from school, Maxie and Seth, came to the Grit so they could see that Tessa was indeed real and not a hologram or one of my split personalities.
We hung out at her friends’ house for a while and I met Meredith and then Tess and I made the rounds downtown seeing Jocelyn and Tera at a new bar called The Arch and then we saw Carrie, Anne Marie, Shawn, and Jenny at Room 13.
Today, we hung out at Hot Corner and then I took Sean to Bizarro Wuxtry where Robert B. helped us decide what comics Sean should read. I probably bought him more than I should have but we need to snag as many future comic readers as possible. For those of you who care, we got Essential Spider-Man Volume 3 (Issues 44-65 of ASM), a Teen Titans Go, and two digests of Superman Adventures and Batman Adventures.
We all came back to my house for skee-ball, the Incredibles, and some laptop time.
I’m kind of worn out.
6-year olds have much energy that 34-year olds don’t.