Vacation, but not.

I mean, it certainly seems like vacation but apparently it no longer counts as vacation because school is closed on Monday and Tuesday. Crazy. I don’t think we have ever had “snow days” and 90 degree weather at the same time. I am all about the 10-hour, 4-day, work week idea. That seems like an awesome idea.

I’m in Seattle. We went to the beach this morning and saw dall’s porpoises and walked and had coffee and now I am having some laptop time while Tessa makes some phone calls. My playdate with Roger has been moved to tomorrow so then I shall see the science fictiony side of Seattle.

More later.

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One Response to Vacation, but not.

  1. Jocelyn says:

    Have fun!!! I am jealous, but you can learn all the fun places and then give me the scoop on Seattle.

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