Looking For Personal Web Calendar

I am finding myself spending less and less time inside my Outlook and more and more time using different computers. I am looking for a way to keep my calendar data online and accessible from whereever I am. Is anybody using anything they like?

EDIT: Several of you suggested the Yahoo calendar. I’m going to give it a shot.

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3 Responses to Looking For Personal Web Calendar

  1. Nariman says:

    Yahoo actually has a calendar now.

  2. Ennui says:

    Just get a marble notebook and pass it around. You can also post questions in there and use it as a Slam Book Entry A Day calendar. It could be fun and useful. What more would you need?

    I was just thinking, what the heck did peeps do before the internets? Oh, my mind!@

  3. I just heard about Trumba (http://www.trumba.com/) which seems like what you want.

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