CSS and Skating

Scrappy and I spent an inordinate amount of time Friday afternoon converting spynotebook.org over to using CSS instead of my old tabled version. I also added recent comments to that page but I just realized that unapproved comments show up on there. I need to fix that somehow.

In other news, totally went roller skating last night and it was awesome. Me, Scraps, Kate, Sheni, Jenny, and Allison went with Courtney for Courtney’s birthday. The we met Sarah, Stacey, and Emily at Transmet and had an incredibly long dinner. Then I made it through a smidge of Balderdash at Courtney’s house.

Scrappy woke up with more visions of a redesigned spynotebook so she is headed over with her laptop and after a bit of breakfast at the Maison Internationale des Crêpes we will see where the day takes us.

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One Response to CSS and Skating

  1. Bon says:

    Looks AWESOME!! As do the photos from the night at the all skate. Oooooh! Such fun!

    Definitely lovin’ the SpyNotebook redesign. Scrappy is a good egg.

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