"Is it true someone stuck Laffy Taffy in the printer?"

Oh, probably. Printers and taffy are the new chocolate and peanut butter. Speaking of peanut butter, I gave Scrappy an old cordless phone she could use and she informed me that it smelled like peanut butter. I think that would be nice. There are far worse things that an old cordless phone could smell like. I found it while my fam and I were cleaning out closets at my grandparents’ house. I also brought home the following:

  • wig and styrofoam head
  • talking Alf doll
  • missy’s ponytail from when she was little (this was a present for me from my sis and miss. thanks)
  • 1976 USA Olympic Hairstyling Team Cookbook
  • school dance picture of me and caroline (girlfriend # 2)
  • my dinosaur hunting license

So, Shawn was complaining that I never blog anymore. I just ran out of interesting things to say and I think my blog is ugly and someone should fix it. Or you should just read the LJ feed on your friends list or subscribe to the RSS feed. Then the ugliness is all you guys. Then Veronica complained also. So, here is that blog post you have all been waiting for.

Was it worth the wait? Yeah, didn’t think so.

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4 Responses to "Is it true someone stuck Laffy Taffy in the printer?"

  1. Bon says:

    I actually had a dream last night in which I told you I was bummed that you’d “stopped blogging.” I guess your posts have been so infrequent lately that my subconcious decided you just weren’t blogging AT ALL anymore.

    You then told me that you had started blogging elsewhere b/c you didn’t like SpyNotebook anymore. Then Scrappy told you you HAD to come back to SpyNotebook and you did.

    That was part of my dream.

    Anyway, glad you blogged again. Miss reading your random stuff.

  2. Anne Marie says:

    Your blog post was very informative. Now I know that you have some items that I wish to borrow.

  3. courtney says:

    I miss your blogs. If you want it remodeled, will Scrappy do it? She did a fabu job on the main Spynotebook page. Please describe the wig so we all can fight over it. You should SO start wearing the ponytail.

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