I was reading the new Flagpole last night and saw that Pete wrote about my grandad telling a story:
Speaking of a sense of humor, the venerable professor emeritus Dr. Worth McDougald welcomed Dr. Clark to Athens and the University by referring back to one of his predecessors, the famous Dean John Drewry. According to Dr. McDougald, Dean Drewry was notorious for being extremely tight in financial matters. The University and indeed the whole state were scandalized when, as a result of marital discord, Dean Drewry’s wife shot him with a pistol. Shortly thereafter, the Dean was having dinner with the young Dr. McDougald, and, knowing that his faculty member would want to know the details, Dean Drewry extracted his wallet from the inside pocket of his suit coat and showed McDougald where the bullet had entered the wallet and lodged in the wad of bills within. Impressed by the thick wallet compared to his own, McDougald couldn’t help responding, “Dean Drewry, if you had been an assistant professor, that bullet would have gone right through your heart.”
– Pete McCommons
Now, I’m not saying that his stories are always 100% true, but they are usually amusing.
but i thought everything that my professors told me was true! =)
what a great story!
PRECIOUS! Sheesh, I love that Dr. Worth McDougald and his amazing stories!