At first, I thought Alex was going to do the entire episode with a Irish accent. No such luck.
Two people have scored… what is it?
One guy looks jittery. Maybe he is going to pass out. Has that happened in 23 years?
Maybe Alex is making up all the answers.
At first commercial break, Scott has $0, Jamey has $1800, Anders has $3600.
Maybe someone will answer all of double jeopardy?
Anders has donated blood 170 times.
Jamey has a 7 year old son who wants him to bet it all at Daily Double.
Scott grades AP Computer Science Exams.
Scott has a lot less money than anyone else. But no one is way ahead at the end of the first round.
Scott $400
Jamey $7200
Anders $4000
My money is on Scott getting all of the questions for the rest of the game.
Nope. Jamey just got one.
Seems like a very mediocre game to me.
Alex is at the Mark Twain House. I hope that the special Jeopardy isn’t that Alex visits somebody’s house.
Scott is racking up. Double Jep almost over. Why am I even wasting time blogging this?
OK. Going into Final Jep with category of Women of the 1930s:
Scott $13,400
Jamey $8000
Anders $8000
Could it be a three way tie at the end? What else is there?
It was indeed a three way tie. All the contestants will be back next week. Cool.
I guess they all get $16,000 for this game? Is that how this game works?
Anyway. Here is a screen shot:
Chip–you rock for watching so that the rest of us didn’t have to.
Also: I now feel ready in case sometime in the future there’s a trivia question about what happened after 23 years on Jeopardy.
At least you were ABLE to watch it–the local station that shows Jeopardy is a CBS affiliate, and showed college basketball this morning instead of it, with no word of a rescheduled time.
I’ve always wondered if the show openly discourages contestants from betting with ties in mind–so many people bet so that they win by $1 as if tying with someone else would be highly undesirable to them, which seems odd to me. It WOULD be undesirable to the show (because they’d have to shell out a lot more money), though.