Yeah, I know. I never blog anymore. Some items:
1. We have a job opening for someone to manage our help desk at work. It consists mostly of handling the phone calls on the tech support line, helping students and faculty when they bring in laptops, and being the point of contact between us and the repair depots. I would think it would start August 1 at the latest and July 1 at the earliest. Detailed knowledge of computer guts not required.
2. Do any of you guys actually use twitter, jaiku, or any of those sites? Just curious.
3. Some of you don’t realize that I post a lot of pictures on flickr that don’t make it over here. Such as this one. Or this one.
4. Did I mention that I served on the grand jury for 13 weeks? I learned a lot about Athens. Not necessarily in a good way.
5. Scoops cost 75 cents at Hodgson’s now.
6. The Athens Roller Derby was a lot of fun a few weeks ago. I forgot to put those pictures on here also.
7. I like this ad:
8. Shawn and I think that being locksmiths would make us a lot of money.
I’m glad to know where your pictures are, you may have to remind me again.