We are having a 1997 party on September 7. Get it? Yeah, that’s right. Clever.
So, here is what I need from you.
1. You to come to the party.
2. Music.
If you have any CDs or mo’ better MP3s of any songs on the list in the following link, I would certainly love to have them. Also, if there are any other songs or items that you think we need, then feel free to leave a comment.
Wow. Music really sucked in 1997.
I graduated high school in 1997. Our class song was, “I believe I can fly”. What a year. Notice the sarcasm.
Sadly, I have a *bunch* of thant music. Let me know what you need (I don’t want to just start sending stuff you might already have).
Sounds like a great party. Wish I could join ya!
(Posted from BlackBerry. Forgive weirdness. Outside of usual weirdness, that is.)