Once upon a time when I worked at that place where we listened to music all day long, Sheni commented on how he liked this song he kept hearing on KEXP. This song turned out to be (i think) “Smile” from Lily Allen’s first album which had only been released in the UK.
Not letting that stop us, by that evening I had the Alright Still CD and it was put into help desk rotation. She has not actually released a new album since then but I believe one should be out in a month or so.
One thing I like about Lily are her cover songs. She just released her version of the new Britney track, “Womanizer” but I think that her version of the Kook’s “So Naive” is one of my favorite Lily Allen songs.
Scrappy and I saw her in 2007 in Atlanta and she was a bit drunk for the show, including taking drinks from the audience. The live show was fun but really just OK. I would go see her again, though.
Just this morning, Scrappy IM’d me this video:
Lily On The Web:
Picture courtesy of musiclikedirt via flickr.