Braved the streets. Made it to work.

Streets still icy

Even though the roads were still crappy, UGA opened at 11:00 today. The worst part for us is our neighborhood. We have lots of trees which create lots of shade. The ice loves the shade. But, no incidents so that is good. Swiffer may wonder where we are but he’ll figure it out soon enough.

Made it it the pub

Yesterday, we walked to Five Points and that was actually pretty tough. The sidewalks are still solid ice. We ate lunch at the Royal Peasant and then got drinks from Golden Pantry and some chips from Earth Fare. The essentials.

The Golden Pantry Snowman wanted us to know they were out of pizza.

No Pizza

That was our big journey out for the day.


I assume that work will start at a normal time tomorrow. I think Swiffer may go spend the day at Pawtropolis so he can run around and get some exercise. I probably should do that too. Being stuck at home for several days is not really conducive to weight loss.

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