
Had a Stephanie day yesterday.

I went to work in the AM to look for my watch and borrow an extra laptop battery for my trip. I met Dera out there to get her laptop back and put her email on her new computer she will be using at Kennesaw.

Left there, went to Steph’s. We went to Target where I bought a watch and a travel kit wih shaving cream, etc. in it.

We were going to take her car to get checked out by the Chevron on Barnett Shoals but we heard on the radio that the road there was closed because of a gas main break or whatever. So, we went to Shlotzky’s for lunch and waited for the road to re-open and we took care of all that.

I came home for a few hours and watched DeGrassi. Good stuff.

Around 5:30 or 6:00, Stephanie and I went to Commerce. I went to the toy store and bookstore and bought some cool Scooby totem pole magnets for $2.99. I didn’t like them in totem configuration so now they line the top of my freezer door.

We came back to town and had dinner at La Fiesta.

I came home and ended up falling asleep at 9:00. Of course, I have now gotten up at 3:00 after my full 6 hours. My schedule is SO OFF. Cali is only going to screw it up more.

I think the current plan for California is :

1. Fly there.
2. Meet Sara at baggage claim.
3. Meet Bonnie for lunch in Marina del Rey or where ever.
4. Drive to San Diego.
5. Geek out until Saturday.
6. Drive to LA.
7. Fly back Sunday at noon.

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One Response to Stephanie

  1. courtney says:

    I’m so jealous.

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