I have been listening to SomaFM a lot lately. My laptop and internet connection has probably become my primary source of entertainment. I spent much more time in front of this screen every day than I do in front of the TV. I could download every show that I usually watch. Maybe I should see if I could survive without the TV and Dish. Or not.
I have also spent over $50 this month on music from the Apple Music Store. I hear a song I like on the streaming station du jour and click to see if it is available on iTunes. If it is, I usually can justify buying the entire album instead of just the one song.
It is cold in my house. It has taken me about an hour to figure this out. I should get back to bed because I have a busy day of hanging out in front of me.
But, I should probably look around Friendster for a while first because I am kind of into that again. But, I will turn up the heat first, I think.