Oh See

I feel that the O.C. might already be on its way downhill. The latest two episodes haven’t held the same appeal to me as the first several. I blame this somewhat on the character of Oliver. The Seth-Anna-Summer triangle is amusing still (although less with every episode). The O.C. is getting more and more Friendster-hip everyday by having the kids and adults talk a LOT about the Golden Girls this week. It made me think about Kristin.
That girl loves her some Golden Girls. But, after saying it is on its way downhill, I feel confident that when I list my top TV moments of 2004, The O.C. will take up several slots on the list.

I liked Luke. Luke was funny.

I had drinks with Hannah after work, bought comics, and then had dinner with Stephanie. Came home, went to sleep, and now I am up in the middle of the night watching TV and downloading last night’s Eastenders.

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