Got Courtney Spies . . . back up. It will still have a password until Courtney says otherwise. We’ll let you know what is is when it is all set back up.

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2 Responses to CLD

  1. Courtney says:

    Thanks, Chipper! I’m working on making the changes you sent me in email. I may just take the password off eventually. Will call you sometime later to discuss. Thanks again for setting it up for me! Love, CLD

  2. Bon says:

    I guess I don’t remember my username and password for the old blogs. Or else mine is different for Courtney’s new blog (does she have a blog or MT?).

    Hey, and why is my blog in with the “updated date” but yours, Trevor’s, and Courtney’s are not? I know that BrYan’s is in that list b/c he’s on LiveJournal… but what about the rest of yous?

    What’s up? Sorry Courtney, I look forward to reading your blog again!

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