This has seemed like a long week. Some server trouble at school so I had to miss watching “Lost In Translation” with Dawn and Matt. But, I can now VPN in to school so I have been up since about 4:00 this morning catching up on “paperwork” that I never have time to do at school. So, now it is 7:00 and I am tired but now I really have to go in to work. THAT hardly seems fair!
I have seen Steph a few times this week. She’s on the jury for a murder trial, but we should hardly discuss this here.
Since the weather is bad, my plans of trips to the dump may be off for this weekend. This means that everything is getting pushed back. This means that my guest room may not be ready in time for Bonnie and Keith visiting.
Yesteday was the memorial service for Robbie MacKay at the Academy. It was very nice and a lot of his old classmates came to see Leigh, Vicky, and Andrew.
hey chip!
it has been forever. just got back on my laptop favorites for the first time in forever and went to this wonderful online journal of yours…or “spynotebook” if you will :). anyway, wanted to say hey and also wanted to find out when bonnie is coming to a-town. i really want to see her again!
let me know!
I know the VPN feeling. I’m allegedly part-time now, but I work whenever I’m not changing a diaper. I can sometimes go without shaving, but I’m not sure that’s a fair trade.