You know what I like best about Summer and Seth on the OC? BAM! Everything.
So yeah, Bonnie was in town yesterday. I have some pictures on the laptop I will post when I turn it back on. We stayed at the T-Stand until about 9:00 maybe. I lost track of time. It was me, Bonnie, Keith, Bon’s neice Tiffany, Tiff’s friend Josh, Jocelyn, and Ann (one of the AA kids that Bon taught BITD (back in the day)). Topics covered : competetive cheerleading, Delta airlines, gay marraiges, the Linux operating system, and how to become a 1) Spokesmodel 2) Stuntperson 3) Corpse on Six Feet Under.
B&K came back and spent the night at the Hotel Chip. I watched some Survivor and fell asleep.
So, work HAPPENED and now I am at home. Waiting for the Scooley to come over and we are getting dinner at the restaurant of her choice. I got that fat tax refund check being processed right now according to my bank so tomorrow may be iPod Day for Chip. Pretty exciting! You all will be the first to know, yo.