Backwards and Forwards

Last night I met with the Pretense Barbie Bookcult at Infusia. We discussed Kevin Smith movies, Stephen King adaptations, Dirty Dancing: Havanna Nights, potential color schemes, but amazingly somehow missed talking about the DaVinci Code.

Before that I had dinner at Clocked! with Jocelyn, coffee next to cute, young, libertarians, and bought comics at Bizarro.

Before that I came home to new steps which is nice because on Tuesday, I came home to NO steps on the front of the house.

At lunch time, Ron and I met Maureen and her daughter Margaret at the Grill for some lunch.

On Tuesday night, we played Trivia at Loco’s. Came in second.

Tomorrow, I am seeing Singing in the Rain with Hannah and on Saturday, I have the high school reunion thing. Not all that excited about it, to be honest.

Pictures of various things will be posted soon.

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