Last night we all went to see “Saved!” at Beechwood. Good movie. Good Mandy Moore as an “evil Christian” and Martin Donovan was a great Pastor Skip.
I met Cash, his gf Jacki, Hannah, and her co-worker Sarah. Afterwards, everbody split up to go home and I was on my way home and all of a sudden I realized I would be home by 9:30 on Friday and very bored. I called Hannah’s car and she wanted to go home but Sarah was up for going out. We coordinated a rendevous in front of Sarah’s house and Sarah switched cars. Then Hannah decided she would come out for one drink.
I had called Cash and he wanted to go to Tasty World but not for a while. Me and the gals had drinks at the Lunch Paper (last night there). I played the theme to “My Two Dads” on the jukebox and sang for H&S. Hannah took off after a while and Cash showed up a little after that.
He talked me and Sarah into going to a punk rock show at Tasty World. We went there for a band and a half and it was pretty loud punk rock. He ended up leaving after an hour or so but then we found him talking out on the sidewalk. We stayed out there for a while eyeing the new 546 Club next to TW. Bars that have a self-created line to get in are a bit ridiculous in this town. I give it 6 months.
Sarah and I went to 283 for a little bit to lose $1 in quarters in the Ms. Pacman machine. Grr. We left downtown and got some late night food at the Five Points Waffle House and then I dropped her off at home. We discussed trying to see the otters near my house but that sounded dangerous and illegal. You don’t have to get arrested to have a good time.
This morning, I had brunch at Big City Bread with Alex and Stephanie and then I came home and lounged up until now. I think I should go and try to make myself feel better about downtown and Waffle House by walking around Memorial Park for a while.