So, we made it through the first week of school. I can think of a few people that we didn’t get to this week who may be upset but the majority of the school seems to be fine.
I’m teaching an 8th grade (tech related) class this year and one of the guys in there told me that he had been to 11 Britney Spears’ concerts and he knew all the lyrics to all the songs on “Oops, I did it again”. Then he busted into the beginning of “Lucky”. I asked him to please save it until the Middle School Talent Show.
Shawn and I went to a teacher party after work and hung with our co-workers for a while. He came back over and hung out here while I was waiting for my fellow pajama party peeps to come over. Bookcult Mark was having a pajama-optional wine and cheese party. I went with Peter, Jocelyn, Hannah, Kate, and David. It was townieriffic. I met a woman named Jan who told me all about the world of cathater design and LaToya who works inside the mysterious Russell Research Building. Some former Acad kids were there and Theresa always gets a blast from calling me Mr. Woods when we see each other out and about. I skipped out on a pajama clad visit to the Manhattan because I had stuff to do this AM.
This morning, I helped one of my friends who is getting a divorce move out of her house and into an apartment. There were 7 of us working and we got it all done by 2:00 including a pizza break so I think we did a pretty good job. She has a LOT of stuff, let me tell you.
After this, I met Kate and David downtown and bought comics. We came back to my place and watched two episodes of “Junkin'” on Turner South and then I discovered that my AC in my house is not working well. Cold air never blows even though the compressor is working. I’ll call Stanfield and let them come look at it.
No plans for the rest of the weekend except for reading. I just wish it was cool in here!
Christine is coming at the end of the month so I need to get her room cleaned out. Glad the Skee Barn is here.