Blogless Voices

Bitey keeps blogging in the comments section of Jocelyn’s blog. How sad. And Sam keeps asking me for a blog. I guess I should get them both going. But, Bitey used to have a blog and she blogged, um, once?

Why don’t I just give both of you gals the password to Hamil’s blog. No one else is using it.

Me and others going to the 7:15 of Garden State at the Carmike.

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One Response to Blogless Voices

  1. Bon says:

    What has happened to Courtney?

    While you’re setting up new Blogs, wanna set one up for MCJ (My Cousin Joni)? I know she was hankerin’ for one (and she was one of the original Leg Cam fans, as you’ll recall). Leg Cam was HUGE at Delta, back in the day.

    I miss Courtney. That’s all I’m saying.


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