So, work happened.
Then I went downtown to buy comics and I was invited to happy hour at Go but it was far away from where I was and I was lazy and didn’t walk down there. I met Jenny for dinner at Doc Chey’s and then we went to the homecoming game where she was not a very good pretend girlfriend.
During dinner, Sam had called from my house where she had let herself in to watch TV. So, after the game, I came home and we watched TV for a little while longer and she went home and I came in here and blogged.
This is the first logo for the radio station. It will have our name under it which is going to be Real 93. I think that was Cash’s suggestion.
Comments? Questions?
I think I am skipping the auction this morning. There is one little Superman toy I want, but it is item 100something and I won’t have the patience to wait.