I have spent far too long this afternoon creating a recent comments page for the spynotebook. I also tweaked my netflix page so it uses the same stylesheet as the rest of my site.
I still know very little about stylesheets but I am trying to learn because they are pretty useful when you change the look of your website as often as I do.
I’ve also been hanging pictures in my house today. I put up two old croquet themed advertisements in the bathroom and some old issues of Adventure Comics up in the hallway. There is an old map of Athens up in my bedroom. I have some original art from Starman and Superman that I am going to hang in the bedroom and computer room.
Hm. Stylesheets. Maybe that’s where I need to do some tweaking next. Hm.
Very cool. Thanks for all the geeky that is you, Chip. You rock my world.
Mmm… loves me some stylesheets. If you have any questions or need some good resources, let me know. But the new site looks good to me, so it doesn’t look like you need any help.