
I called Sam yesterday and asked if she wanted to cook dinner. After a trip to the Suicide Kroger* (see extended) and Fook’s Foods, we had ingredients for Cannellini and Tarragon Ravioli and Crema de Aguacate (Ecuadorian Cream of Avocado Soup). We ended up just making the ravioli and its sauce. Maybe we can have soup today before Sam goes off the Michigan for a week.

Kate had come over to use the computer so she had dinner with us and then we all watched New York Minute and Mean Girls. And I spilled a very large glass of wine on myself.

* The story that is being spread (don’t care if it is true or not) is that someone bought a knife in the new Kroger and then went to the parking lot to kill themselves. What they did or did not count on id that they were 5 seconds from St. Mary’s Hospital. Perhaps we should call it the Attempted Suicide Kroger.

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