Can you handle Chip’s truth?
I have not watched all of “We’re Chaotic, Y’all!” yet but I think I saw enough to get the general idea. I feel it is time for my own reality TV show. I am considering hiring an actor to portray me and my friends because I am not sure I can actually nail the part of Chip as well as someone else could. I’m in talks with some “names” but I don’t want to announce anything just yet. Please comment with casting suggestions.
Some blogger examples, Amy Acker could play Courtney and Alexis Bledel maybe could pull off Stephanie. I am thinking maybe David
Cross for Shawn and Cameron Diaz could try out for Jenny and Jocelyn. Hmm.
The role of Jenny will be played by Reese Witherspoon. My agent called her agent, we’re working through the details.
I assume you mean Amy Acker as the blue demon thing on Angel, right? Why not Natalie Portman for me or Stephanie–that’s your ticket to meet her. She might not do television, but if she hears about how great this project is and how great the characters are she could play, I’m sure she’d be in. I’ll shave my head, if that will help.
1. What I saw of the BrSp/KFed show was as interesting as if you gave my niece a camcorder. Ugh. Why bother?
2. Who will play me? (Think carefully.) 😉
Ooh, can Natalie Portman play me, pretty please? 🙂 Or I’m really liking Sophia Bush these days… Or Mia Maestro (Stephanie could have an accent!)
Adam Brody as Chip? Owen Wilson would be fun, but the real Chip has a much nicer nose.