Weekend Update

I just finished my Sunday morning ritual of coffee and Saturday night’s new “Doctor Who”. Last night’s was actually pretty creepy. I have to clean my house up as soon as the coffee kicks in. I am having the peeps over tomorrow night for dinner and I have no idea what we are fixing. Tera is going to come over this afternoon to plan a menu with me. I am going to buy an ice cream freezer this afternoon because it is summer and we need as much home made ice cream as possible.

Friday night, I went to the La Parilla with Kent, Jocelyn, Tera, and Brad. Then the grownups went to the Manhattan for a drink. Saturday, I sat at home and caught up on various media that had been piling up.

Once I have had a chance to process it all, I will be giving you my thoughts on the new Fall 2005 TV season. Jennifer Love Hewitt as a “ghost whisperer”? It’s gonna be craptacular!

Does anyone reading this make podcasts? I am thinking about starting because I do like to hop on the internet trends. As a side note, I attempted to geek out and install linux on my iPod this weekend. It didn’t work but the iPod did survive, luckily.

I bought two tickets to the Rilo Kiley/Brunettes/Okkervil River show on June 8 if anyone wants to go. I think all of my concert buddies will be off to their various summer adventures by then.

OK. The coffee has kicked in so it is time for clothes and dishes and clutter to be attacked.

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