Watching Myself Making A Mistake

I am switching back to Charter in order to save money. I know this is bad but I am doing it anyway. Read on if you want to read all about this kind of thing. If not, move along.

I am paying:

~$50 for DirectTV
~$40 for Bellsouth Phone because I need that for DSL
$60 for DSL.

I can get cable and internet for $77 through Charter.

My dish is out right now and it is bright and sunny outside. I am going to have some trouble with my time shifting but I am going to find a way to record it all. Now that Trio is gone, there is very little reason to keep the dish.

I almost got into a fight with the woman on the phone because to get a special deal I had to give them my DirectTV receivers and the dish off the roof. I refused to do this because I might want to switch back. I bought special receivers that work with my ReplayTV. Then she said I could keep the dish and give them a receiver, access card, and show them a bill. I have an extra receiver and card in the barn so I am cool on that front.

I am toying with the idea of killing the phone line and seeing if the DSL works without it. One time, my phone got disconnected and it still worked. Then I could finish downloading my 103GB of Doctor Who using two different connections. (When I finish, I will have every Doctor Who since Tom Baker started in ’74.)

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One Response to Watching Myself Making A Mistake

  1. Bon says:

    Good luck. Scary, but cost-efficient choice.

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