Behind the Scenes

Last night I had a completely normal night in which I went out with my friends and they recorded me for a documentary talking about Tessa.

Click for pics:

She is coming to Athens for my birthday in November. I am going out to Seattle at some point before then, probably in late October but maybe before. We’re going to hang out and see if we still like each other in real life. Shawn will want me to tape it all, of course.

In other news, Kristin (AKA Monkey) is coming down from Brooklyn tonight and I see many visits to the Grit in my future. If anyone else is going to Athens 441 @ the Morton on Friday, let me know and maybe we can meet up for drinks.

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5 Responses to Behind the Scenes

  1. Anne Marie says:

    Chip and Tessa sittin’ in a tree….

  2. jenny says:

    First comes love…

  3. Bryan says:

    Then comes a life of boredom alternating with unfathomable torment… marriage…

  4. courtney says:

    Then comes separation and buying a farmhouse that is probably not a great investment but seems really cool at the time . . .

  5. Bon says:

    OMG!!! Your commenters are THE BEST. So cool!

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