Seattle Sunday Morning

I have started putting some pictures of my trip to Seattle online if anyone cares to see. Yesterday afternoon we went to Tessa’s favorite record store in West Seattle and then to a used book store and bought books P.D. James, Ray Bradbury, Bruce Sterling and someone else I think. At the record store, I got the live KEXP CD that I have been wanting.

Then we went to the grocery store and bought stuff for a little dinner party with Jenni, Jeff, Jessi, and Aaron. I was asked by Jeff what the big drink in Athens was and I went with spicy ginger ale and Maker’s Mark. We didn’t have Blenheim’s but we made do. Aaron from Canada made us “paralyzers” which is a white russian with coke added. Like an alcoholic coke float.

We had grilled chicken, curried carrots and potatoes, salad, and then gingerbread and whipped cream for dessert. Then the evening was topped off by a very unorganized game of Cranium and a few too many Nickleback references.

Not sure what the complete plan for today is yet. We are meeting Roger and his wife at 11:00 at the Sci-Fi Museum and then from there who knows?

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3 Responses to Seattle Sunday Morning

  1. Jocelyn says:

    I love it Chip. Tell Tessa hello!

  2. Trevor says:

    So, I was in West Seattle 1 week later. That record store wasn’t in Alaska Junction, was it?

  3. Bon says:

    Awwwwwww. So cute! Looks like way fun. Very cool.

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