
Friday night, I went out with Kate and Beth and a few of Beth’s friends. But they wanted to go to bars that were overcrowded and I was in the mood for the opposite so the three of us stole away to Flicker which is so much better than anywhere east of Lumpkin Ave has to offer.

Saturday, I went to garage sales and brunch at Grit with Kate. Then I came home and read, watched some TV, and got ready for Angela’s birthday party. I went over to Hannah’s for the party around five. We were supposed to bring comfort food of some sort. Since I am not one to cook, I called and asked what I should bring and Hannah suggested that I bring something to drink. Courtney and I decided to go in on a bottle of Maker’s Mark and I am sure it looked strange that this was my comfort food. Lots of good food and I saw and met lots of nice people.

The party was fun but I wasn’t in a real party mood so I came back home about 9:00 and spent the rest of the evening listening to AM Coast to Coast and talking on the phone for a little while. I ended up staying up all night and finally getting to sleep around 6 this morning. I slept until about 11 and have spent the day walking around my neighborhood and reading a bit.

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