I’m taking a break from laundry, dishes, and general straightening up around the house. I have no idea how many people are coming over tonight. It could be five or it could be twenty-five or it could be me listening to the stereo and reading “Hawkman”. Only time will tell.
Last night, we went to see “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”. This was my first Harry Potter movie after reading all the books and I understand now what all you people have been saying about stuff being left out. Ron Weasley has gotten huge.
I came home and crashed after the movie and then got up, had breakfast, saw Missy, Phil, Mom, Keith, met Beth at the gym, came home and started housework.
I still need to go to the store at some point and pick up partyish items. But, can’t do that until clothes are dry. So many complications.
How was the partay?