25 Days And Counting

Now, do y’all really want me to lose a bet to Shawn, ladies?

Clarke County Marriage License PDF

You can just go ahead and download your copy now so we will have it.

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4 Responses to 25 Days And Counting

  1. Stephanie H. says:

    I’d marry you in order to win a bet, really. There’s just the slight problem that I’m already married…

  2. courtney says:

    Same story as Stephanie. Will be in touch if the divorce is final by the end of the year. Will you share your bet earnings with your wife?

  3. chip says:

    Yes, I will share any profits after cost of licenses and the eventual annullment or divorce if things don’t work out.

  4. Adrian says:

    What is this “premarital education” junk? At least it isn’t required — it just gives you a discount. As if issues about marriage and basic personal skills can be taught in six hours — how silly. I wonder if marriage is still easier in a neighboring state.

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