What tipped you off?

CBS 5: Family Calls Comic Book Racist

A Stockton family is upset over a comic book that they call racist.

Joey Boswell’s foster mother bought him a Captain Confederacy comic book for Christmas. It’s set in a world in which the south won the civil war, and the Confederacy is a world power.

Joey said he was offended after reading just a few pages.

The comic was published by a Marvel-Owned company 1986 and 1992. Marvel declined to comment on why it published the comic, saying only that marvel employees created it.

I have Captain Confederacy in my collection somewhere but I probably haven’t seen it since ’86. But, I don’t remember it being Marvel. But, seriously, who wouldn’t understand that a comic called Captain Confederacy might be somewhat racist.

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3 Responses to What tipped you off?

  1. Darrell says:

    But, seriously, who wouldn’t understand that a comic called Captain Confederacy might be somewhat racist.

    I think you’re jumping to a conclusion there. Everything I’ve read indicates that the book’s central theme is in opposition to racism. The word “Confederacy” and the culture it implies are not inherently racist environments.

  2. chip woods says:

    I would think if you were giving the comic to someone who might complain about a comic being racist then you might go for Captain Carrot or Captain America or even Captain Canuck instead of Captain Confederacy.

    I remember reading this book when it first came out and I enjoyed it. I don’t remember it being particularly racist but I can see how someone sensitive to these topics might.

  3. The silliness of the incident inspired me to do something I’d been thinking about for ages: I’m revising the old comic book and posting it online as a free serial. I may have to thank Ms. Boswell someday.

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