Spynotebook Redesign

I have been aching to redo the main Spynotebook page for ages and ages. Are there things you would like to see on there besides just a list of the most recent blog postings? Like what? Anybody want to submit a groovy Spynotebook logo?

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2 Responses to Spynotebook Redesign

  1. courtney says:

    Could you have a picture pop up from various blogs, sort of like your masthead on your blog? That might be fun. Although I think it’s best to keep the main page simple.

  2. Bon says:

    Hmm. I always liked the photo of kids at school with the note: “One of these people is spying on you,” or somesuch.

    I like Courtney’s idea of a featured photo rotation, but I can imagine that would be a pretty major task.

    Seem to recall having enjoyed the time when you would list a “featured spy” in the lineup, but I also think that was a way to get low-volume posters to post.

    Hmm… I’d like to (if it’s at all possible) have the comments show “comments since your last visit” or something like that. (Y’know, like the PHP boards allow?) I regularly reload the comments page to see what new comments have been made, and then forget whether I’ve seen something before or not.

    Flickr feeds would be good.

    Plus a login for the new discussion board.

    Just brainstormin’. 😉

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