
So, I got a ticket in my own neighborhood. Annoyng to say the least. They ticket people A LOT over here. One of my friends got one a few months ago because his car was parked the wrong direction in front of my house. Mine was for turning right at a stop sign without stopping long enough. I think it will be about $115. Feel free to help out. 🙂

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4 Responses to Ticket!

  1. shawn says:

    I’m probably wrong about this, but I think I remember hearing that if you contest your ticket and the issuing cop doesn’t show up in court that day, you automatically get off. Worth checking on.

  2. Bon says:


    Hey. Why isn’t my b’day on the Spy calendar? *stomp*

    I thought I was one of your favorite ex-girlfriends!

  3. Bon says:

    Was isn’t anyone helping you pay your ticket?!?

  4. Bon says:

    WAS isn’t? What the hell was I thinking?

    WHY isn’t?


    WAS… anyone planning to help…

    But WAS ISN’T???

    I’m a whack job.

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