So, I got a ticket in my own neighborhood. Annoyng to say the least. They ticket people A LOT over here. One of my friends got one a few months ago because his car was parked the wrong direction in front of my house. Mine was for turning right at a stop sign without stopping long enough. I think it will be about $115. Feel free to help out. 🙂
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Beeswax, None of Your
I’m probably wrong about this, but I think I remember hearing that if you contest your ticket and the issuing cop doesn’t show up in court that day, you automatically get off. Worth checking on.
Hey. Why isn’t my b’day on the Spy calendar? *stomp*
I thought I was one of your favorite ex-girlfriends!
Was isn’t anyone helping you pay your ticket?!?
WAS isn’t? What the hell was I thinking?
WHY isn’t?
WAS… anyone planning to help…
But WAS ISN’T???
I’m a whack job.